October 16, 2013
Three part PBS documentary about superheroes and the comic industry.
Good stuff.
A simple way to calculate your job satisfaction.
My dad was talking about this play last night.
It's pretty incredible to watch it in context.
Full Screen Mario
Full HTML5 remake of Super Mario Bros.
You can also see the code they used.
Blue Moon is now our favorite beer?
Didn't see that coming.
Let me be clear: If the roles were reversed, and a decade ago, Democrats had pitched a fit about "No Child Left Behind". And that tantrum led to the Democrats trying to shut down the government and act like babies, I'd be mad at them too. The sad part is there are many intelligent and reasonable Republicans who get grouped in with the crazy people leading the shutdown. House Republicans are being incredibly childish. And when a child throws a tantrum, you don't let them win, or they'd throw tantrums ALL THE TIME.
America does not negotiate with people who try to hold us hostage.
So what did Republicans get for shutting down the government for 17 days? Their poll numbers
tanked. Their gubernatorial candidate in Virginia appears
headed for defeat in next month's election. The business community is
rethinking its support.
Veterans and
the elderly are ticked off. And any leverage they ever had to push their goals of reducing the size of government and chipping away at health-care reform is gone.
All in all, it's been a worthwhile exercise for the GOP.