I almost picked these up just to have the album covers. I'm sure they sound great too. You can never have too much Billy Joel.
Scratch that. Nobody needs Billy Joel on cassette. Lame. I can't decide if I should be happy that Billy is out there and available for people to listen to, or am I sad that so many albums have been discarded?
Fender Stratocaster - The EXACT guitar they used for the "Rock Band" controllers. Only $95. Might have missed an opportunity here.
I forgot how much I loved Teddy Ruxpin until I saw him again. It was like no time at passed. I wanted to build a blanket fort over the heater vent and doze off to his dulcet tones.
The only time it got weird is when he was running out of batteries. His voice became so low; it was like he was possessed by a demon. But I remember the good times.
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