July 17
It was a fun ride I didn't know about three weeks ago. Couldn't be a better story than Japan's team. They didn't have enough electricity to practice a few months ago, now they're winning it all. Glad you all could join me on the USWNT bandwagon. Now get off, you're using all the armrests. Come back next summer for the Olympics.
Or will you have forgotten about "your new favorite team" by them?
Speaking of bandwagons, I received an invitation to Spotify. I'm not really sure why it's different than other free music services out there, but people seem to think it is. Hey, it's big in Europe.
What more do you need to know?
From NPR
His podcast (Star Talk Radio) with Jon Stewart is solid as well. “Carbon is the slut of the periodic table. It bonds with everything from every direction. From the top, from the sides, from below. Carbon doesn’t care.”
From Business Week
Just love your article.I do always look over your website for new articles.I am recently working on an app open spotify thats going awesome and special thanks to you :)