Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sounders Win (but still lose)

November 2, 2011

(Sounders fall 3-2 in aggregate)

Not a downpour, but I lamented the lack of my waterproof pants.

Sounders played hard the whole game and created enough chances to win, we just didn't convert.


A woman wrote this:
"I’ll tell you what I notice. Often, when you ask a guy how he’s doing he’ll say something like, “Ya know, I can’t complain.”And when I hear that and he’s looking at me to nod and agree, I’m like, “No, I don’t know. There’s a ton of s**t to complain about.” For starters, even though no one wants to admit it to me, I’m clearly five pounds overweight. Then there’s the obvious, which is that I’m not with child. And don’t get me started on my neighbor who keeps leaving me notes saying that I’m the only person in my building who doesn’t decorate her door for holidays."

24 Hours at Fukushima
On the other hand, close study of the disaster's first 24 hours, before the cascade of failures carried reactor 1 beyond any hope of salvation, reveals clear inflection points where minor differences would have prevented events from spiraling out of control. Some of these are astonishingly simple: If the emergency generators had been installed on upper floors rather than in basements, for example, the disaster would have stopped before it began. And if workers had been able to vent gases in reactor 1 sooner, the rest of the plant's destruction might well have been averted.

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