Saturday, December 24, 2011

"You Sit On A Throne Of Lies."

December 19, 2011
Sadly, I'm an adult who still gets Santa pictures every year. That's all my mother wants for Christmas.  Most years, my brother and I take care of this early in the season, before all the kids get out of school.
This year, we waited too long:
You can see the line there on the left.  At this point, I thought, "Mom doesn't really understand Photoshop.  It's the perfect crime."  The wait for the mall Santa was over an hour.  We always go to the Santa at Nordstroms.  There's no good reason why, that's just the Santa we visited as kids.
We must have been good boys this year.  
Total time elapsed from filling out paperwork to candy canes in hand?  
5 minutes.
In that time, several employees looked my brother and I and asked "Are you waiting on anyone else for your sitting?".
Just us.
Two grown adults still going through the motions.
Every high school employee replied the same way to this, "Wow. I still get Santa pictures for my Mom too."
It's hard to tell if they felt bad for us, or if it was the truth.  


A heartwarming tale of Christmas in a foreign land where, if you've been naughty, Saint Nick and his friends give you an ass-whuppin'
(It's a David Sedaris story about Christmas traditions. The title makes sense once you read the article.)

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