Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mob Mates

January 11, 2012
We started watching basketball.
We ended up watching this documentary about kangaroos.
Kangaroos live in "mobs".
They are invading cities at night.
They are learning which roads can be crossed and which roads should be avoided.
And kangaroos are both adorable and exceedingly strange looking at the same time.

Cool interview about the song and it's far reaching influences. "Viva La Vida" is beloved by Barcelona FC and was played as a wake up call in space.
At 18:45, Chris Martin addresses accusations of stealing

At this point, I, and I believe everyone else in the room, was agog. I could scarcely believe what was occurring on stage. But Prof. Brindley was not satisfied. He looked down sceptically at his pants and shook his head with dismay. ‘Unfortunately, this doesn’t display the results clearly enough’. He then summarily dropped his trousers and shorts...

When the host tries to return the serve, he looks so helpless.

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