Saturday, March 3, 2012

Zinc Gluconate Glycine

February 29, 2012

The science behind Cold-eeze is muddy at best.
But the placebo effect is so real.
I believe Cold-eeze can heal my ills.
And they do.

It snowed today.
(I think it did. Days are blurring together. Sorry)
I wish I could get as excited for anything like kids get excited for snow.

 A light dusting at best.
Kids were worried that we would be trapped under an avalanche.
They were 75% joking.
Kids do not understand avalanches.
(Yes, I had to look up the plural of "avalanche".)  
(I wanted it to be "avalanchae" or "avalanchi")

Louie: Season One
If today was the day I was sick, then I think I just watched Louie.
I was curled up in bed, drifting in and out of consciousness watching the show on my iPhone.
It went to space.

While the poker scene really encapsulates the show (funny, caring, sick, insightful), it's too crass to post here.
But if you're brave you can click the link.
You've been warned.

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