April 24, 2012
Capitol Hill Block Party TicketsUse promo code "CHBP" to get $10 off.
Allo Darling May 11 at Vera Project
From Three Imaginary Girls
Best Coast - Fist City
Don Draper Is An Alpha Male
from Gynomite
The thought has been that women can’t have both success and a successful partner at the same time, and there’s been lots of tongue clucking over that. Women are said to be “dating down” with someone less because they’re too focused on their careers to find a “good man”.
Truth Like The Sun
by Jim Lynch
''What do you look for in a city?'' It's a question Roger Morgan, the civic pioneer at the heart of Lynch's novel, asks more than once, referring to his drizzly hometown of Seattle. Truth Like the Sun skips through the city's history from 1962, when Morgan helps organize the World's Fair that put it on the map, to 2001, when he decides to run for mayor. Lynch presents the more recent chapters through the eyes of an ambitious muckraker pillaging Morgan's closets for skeletons, and it's the author's own journalistic eye for detail that turns the stereotypically gray city into something vibrantly colorful. B+
Review by Keith Staskiewicz
Great. Another book I want to read.
What a great problem.
Patton Oswalt Finest Hour
Today's Photo
Don Draper Is An Alpha Male
from Gynomite
The thought has been that women can’t have both success and a successful partner at the same time, and there’s been lots of tongue clucking over that. Women are said to be “dating down” with someone less because they’re too focused on their careers to find a “good man”.
But fuck that.
In this brilliant Psychology Today article written by Marcia Reynolds, she proposes the incredibly obvious and yet unmentioned idea that once you take away a need for financial support, perhaps what women want from men is emotional support. They don’t need someone to be daddy, they just need someone to be there for them and help out with day-to-day stuff, like a grownup. Like women have always done.
Truth Like The Sun
by Jim Lynch
''What do you look for in a city?'' It's a question Roger Morgan, the civic pioneer at the heart of Lynch's novel, asks more than once, referring to his drizzly hometown of Seattle. Truth Like the Sun skips through the city's history from 1962, when Morgan helps organize the World's Fair that put it on the map, to 2001, when he decides to run for mayor. Lynch presents the more recent chapters through the eyes of an ambitious muckraker pillaging Morgan's closets for skeletons, and it's the author's own journalistic eye for detail that turns the stereotypically gray city into something vibrantly colorful. B+
Review by Keith Staskiewicz
Great. Another book I want to read.
What a great problem.
Patton Oswalt Finest Hour
Today's Photo
I swear some people are playing tennis in there.
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