May 9, 2012
A Special Graduation Message to the Class of 2012
by Drew Magary on Deadspin
A Message From Your Kids' Teachers
Jimmy Kimmel
by Drew Magary on Deadspin
Your life is going to be monumental regardless of what happens after you graduate. Life writes a story for everyone and that story is filled with big, dramatic things like death and disease and love and addiction and despair. From the richest man to the poorest man, we all go through triumph and misery. No one makes it out alive. But the crucial difference is between people who think they can change the world and people who KNOW the world is unchanging and unfeeling, take comfort in that fact, and use the world as they see fit. They don't want to affect the world; they let the world affect them.
And the more you use the world, the more it opens up for you. The seemingly unrelated shit you do has a way of eventually connecting. You'll read a book and then bring it up spontaneously in some job interview and make a connection with your future boss. You'll go out to get shitfaced one night and bump into your future wife. I'm not saying it's all gonna fit together perfectly like you're in Slumdog Millionaire, but certain things will fall into place.
And that's true even if you aren't some asshole overachiever. Even if you're just a guy who can't find a job and spends most of his days getting stoned and hitting on single moms in the Target parking lot ... even YOU will be using the world in a way that could end up impacting your life in a profound manner. Turns out that 45-year-old single mom you slept with knows a book agent! NICE. Life is a cumulative experience, and the more random shit you do and the more people you interact with, the more the world can be of service to you.
A Message From Your Kids' Teachers
Jimmy Kimmel
90% of the students are phenomenal.
But that 10%?
They need to hear this.
Anatomy of a Goal
Cool feature where they have someone who understands soccer breakdown all the craziness that went into a goal. It's the little touches and runs off the ball that seem to make the biggest difference.
Always be moving without the ball.
Taran Killam - Robyn Dance Comparison
Cool feature where they have someone who understands soccer breakdown all the craziness that went into a goal. It's the little touches and runs off the ball that seem to make the biggest difference.
Always be moving without the ball.
Taran Killam - Robyn Dance Comparison
Seattle Met
Marination Mobile is my favorite, but then again, I've never had the elusive Street Donut.
Cats and Dogs Inspired by Billy Joel

Today's Photo:
Cats and Dogs Inspired by Billy Joel

Today's Photo:
My staff appreciation poster.
Impressive work.
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