June 1, 2012
Pretty Snarky Articles
Jen Andrews writes about Regina Spektor and the 40 Most Powerful Photographs. I'm so sad Jen isn't on my favorite podcast anymore.
Pomegranate Reads on Hello Giggles
I’d like to offer you the literary pomegranate. A little more difficult to crack open and eat, but with a glut of delicious, vitamin-rich morsels to enjoy within. Rather than a few minutes of uninspired sucking, a pomegranate presents a period of careful picking at delicious juice-filled seeds. Challenging and healthy, but also delicious, refreshing and kind of an adventure. Also a little hard to come by. The literary pomegranate is the “smart” summer beach read. Sure, pomegranates are a winter thing, but they’re still refreshing, right?
Catch Your Dream
The lyrics are terrible.
Geek Dad - Comics As Literature - Part 1
Okay, I’ve had my rants (here and here) about comics being serious literature but those were really more about being pedantic than the actual appreciation of comics. So I started compiling my lists and thinking about which titles I’d want to include in a list of “serious comics,” and … time got away from me. I found myself devouring some really great comics, some serious and some less so, and I didn’t feel like slowing down to write about them.
Save The Date
Doesn't have a trailer yet.
But it was pretty good.
Today's Photos:
Honkfest West
Okay, I’ve had my rants (here and here) about comics being serious literature but those were really more about being pedantic than the actual appreciation of comics. So I started compiling my lists and thinking about which titles I’d want to include in a list of “serious comics,” and … time got away from me. I found myself devouring some really great comics, some serious and some less so, and I didn’t feel like slowing down to write about them.
When I was in high school and our English teacher was always talking about “literary merit,” my friends and I decided that the two main indicators of literary merit (based on the books we were assigned) were length and death. The longer the book, and the more people died, the more literary merit. Old Man and the Sea? Kind of short, relatively speaking, and not much death (unless you count the marlin and some sharks): questionable literary merit. The Great Gatsby? Not so long, but a good amount of death: yep, that’s got literary merit. Tess of the d’Urbervilles? Really long, important people die: loads of literary merit. Oh, right — and of course it ranks higher if it’s dreadfully boring, too.
Save The Date
Doesn't have a trailer yet.
But it was pretty good.
Today's Photos:
Honkfest West
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