Friday, August 24, 2012

Amazing Games

August 18, 2012

Sounders Tifo
This is a cool list of all the tifo displays by ECS.

Little League World Series
I'm not a fan of the LLWS. 
It's for kids who hit puberty early and have grown to freakish sizes.
And for parents with loads of excess money and time.
ESPN is probably putting it on because they don't have other sports to show right now.
I would rather see bowling, darts, poker, ultimate frisbee, double dutch, paintball, competitive eating, jai-alai, Scrabble or Magic: The Gathering.

They sure used to cover things like that:

Also, I guarantee at least some of the kids feel like Stan, Kyle and Butters in:
South Park Episode The Losing Edge
A winning season and overzealous parents threaten to ruin the entire summer when the boys of South Park head to the Little League State Championships. The kids desperately want an end to the boring baseball season, and just one loss would set them free. Unfortunately, the opposing team is much better at losing than they are.

R. Kelly - Ignition (Remix)
Covered by Young The Giant
And the original:

Today's Photo:

At Joe's Bar, with this decor and this crowd, there is a expectation about the music stocked in that jukebox.
Instead they played this and this.

Stereotype busted.

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