August 29, 2012
Self-Forced Runner
Schmidt's Workout Video
Nike Fuel Band Review
Today's Photo:

The sticker sheet from my Cognitive Tutor class.
I mean, it just makes sense.
They seem like the perfect couple.
“Running is Fun!”
I call bulls**t.
Running is not fun at all. Running is hard and it makes you breathe hard and it’s not on the top of my favorite things to do. I’m guessing you feel the same way my fellow Self Forced Runners.
But how can we escape the need? Running is great for you. It’s super convenient. Its totally cheap compared to Zumba classes and gym memberships. And it seems so simple. How could one little jog cancel out all that jolly good fun?
And don’t we feel great afterwards? Don’t we feel good about ourselves?
Sometimes. Then in the first 5 minutes the woman training for the marathon passes you and isn’t even breaking a sweat and suddenly you’re overcome with the reality of how gross and sweaty and awful you feel.
I feel my biggest problems are actually getting my butt out the door, finding the time and following through. Running always is easy to work into my schedule until the actual moment comes and I hit the snooze or jet off to some other ‘more important’ activity (most often feeding my face). Until lately.
I have found my running sanctuary.
People seem to like it, though the band seems shockingly simple.
Madden 13 Intro
Ray Lewis could get me excited about making a sandwich.
Today's Photo:
The sticker sheet from my Cognitive Tutor class.
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