Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get Me Out Of Here

October 20, 2012

Today's Photo:
Everyone in my family is sick and driving me crazy.
I am on a strict Jamba Juice regimen to retain my health.
I know this plan will fail.

S.M.U.S.H. @ Redhook

October 19, 2012
Arrested Development Documentary
Blackboards of Quantum Mechanics
Greatest R/C Car Chase
Today's Photos:
This month's S.M.U.S.H. activity was brewery tour/ trivia night at Redhook.  Here's what that looked like:
Team Barflies
Team Hop Streakers
Team Prego


October 18, 2012
Q:In a widely distributed press release you said, “I think people would be surprised when these songs were written or who they were written for.” Do you prefer to keep your songs’ subjects private?
A: I think the last shred of privacy that I still have is about these songs. But songs are very rarely what people think they’re about. I’ve never really talked about who my songs are about when they were written. I’m not going to start now. People will reflect what they want on to the songs. I believe that when you tell someone exactly what a song is about it takes the power away and they can’t put themselves into it. It changes the perspective of the song.

60 Second Adventures in Religion
Why Sports Logos Are Important
40 Pumpkins for Gamers and Nerds
Today's Photo:
These costumed Domos were supposed to motivate children.
But I also wanted the whole set.
Some kids wanted to earn the Domos so they could give them to me.
So I was just finding another way to motivate children.
I was definitely not exploiting children to earn keychains for me.
At least that's the story I tell myself.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Broken Window

October 17, 2012

Man Runs 7:30 5K–If You Count Donut Bonus

A Secret Service agent tells stories about running with the President.
Today's Photos:
My car was broken at the Sounders game.
The backpack was hiding under the back seat, not in plain sight.
The criminals sucked.
They didn't even take anything. 
I guess they were looking for a laptop, and when they saw my Kindle, they got disappointed and left.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sammamish Art and Leisure

October 16, 2012
A beautiful piece of writing reminding us that everyone has a story.
Including a crash course in creativity.
Colbert also revealed what he tells his "Colbert Report" guests before they come on the show: "I say, 'Thank you for coming. Have you ever seen the show? I do the show in character. He's an idiot. He's willfully ignorant of what you know and care about. Please honestly disabuse me of my ignorance and we'll have a great time.' But sometimes they forget."
Especially this article on lucid dreaming.
Because I don't understand everything on the internet.


Focusing on Bill's revival as a political player and Hillary's rise to the most popular member of the cabinet.

Today's Photos:
Hanging in the Sammamish Starbucks is the best collection of art in the city.  The same drawing interpreted by 30 different second graders.  You can usually pick out kids with the gift, and the kids who missed their nap that day.

After the badminton meltdown last week, the other coaches had the kids complete this goal setting exercise.  I wish I'd thought of this.  Genius.
By the way, the thoughtful, self-critical, but ultimately positive and team oriented response above? 
That's from a sixth grader.

ACL 2012 Day 4 - Austin

October 15, 2012

Food truck




ACL 2012 Day 3

ACL 2012 Day 2

October 13, 2012

(They sound just like U2)


Big K.R.I.T.
I thought his shirt said "The Potato"



Jack White

Sunday, October 21, 2012

ACL 2012 Day 1

October 12, 2012

They grind bacon in with the burgers.
A series of homes on Rainy street that have been converted into bars. 

Today's Photos:

Adrian IN!

October 11, 2012

Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine
Can't remember what happened when Calvin invented the Transmogrifier?  Now you can search for it.

101 Reasons to Run
Just pick one a day, then start over at the top.

Alton Brown on Sesame Street

Partysaurus Rex
New Pixar short released starring Rex from Toy Story.
It's showing before Finding Nemo 3D, but you can watch it here.

Independent game makers are releasing all kinds of cutting edge stuff.  Lots of iPad and iPhone games too.

Today's Photo:
The President told me it was important that I vote.
I didn't know he was a Sounders fan too.

More Mickeys

October 10, 2012

GQ's Trap Music Playlist
Music that will scare you enough so you workout.

Being "Crazy Busy" at Work is Super Bad For You

Pairs nicely with this piece about valuing results, not hours, as a measurement of efficiency

"New Girl"'s Schmidt Writes A Book
Titled "The Douche Journals"

Should Teachers Teach About Personal Finance?
This article says "Yes".
But where would we fit it?

Angry Bird Star Wars - November 8
Don't even pretend you're above this.

What If Money Was No Object?

How To Find Purpose And Do What You Love

“Find something more important than you are,” philosopher Dan Dennett once said in discussing the secret of happiness,“and dedicate your life to it.” But how, exactly, do we find that? Surely, it isn’t by luck. I myself am a firm believer in the power of curiosity and choice as the engine of fulfillment, but precisely how you arrive at your true calling is an intricate and highly individual dance of discovery. Still, there are certain factors — certain choices — that make it easier. Gathered here are insights from seven thinkers who have contemplated the art-science of making your life’s calling a living.

Today's Photo:
My folks returned from Disneyworld today.  
As if they didn't have enough Mickey stuff already.

Homecooked Meals

Trying to look on the bright side of things.
Things will be moved and stable by the end of the month.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

It's All Streaming Now Anyway

October 7, 2012

Gap Year: The Growing Appeal of Deferring College Enrollment

In September, Amy Huynh, a recent high school graduate who was accepted to Colby College in Maine, visited some of her childhood friends during move-in weekend at UCLA. They’re newly minted freshmen, ready to embark on an exciting college career. But Huynh is beginning a different adventure: instead of attending Colby, she’s mentoring middle schoolers in southern Los Angeles for a year.
“A lot of people did not agree with what I was doing,” Huynh says of her decision to defer college enrollment. “College is getting so expensive now, so I said, Why not? College isn’t going anywhere.”
Huynh is a corps member in City Year, a service organization that places young people age 17 to 24 in urban schools to work with teachers and mentor students. She’s also one of the thousands of members of the high school class of 2012 who chose to take a break from school — a so-called gap year — instead of immediately enrolling in college.
Today's Photo:
In an attempt to simplify the next move, I'm trying to get rid of some of my media collection.  Amazon will take almost anything and will give you a shipping label, too.  They don't pay a ton for most stuff, but at least it's going to get used. Bonus: They pay you in Amazon gift cards deposited directly into your account.

Sick In Sammamish. Thinking of All I'm Missing.

October 6, 2012

(Warning: Contains Looper Spoilers)It is a truism from the golden age of science fiction that if you go back in time and change anything--even, say, stepping on an insect--the result of your act could multiply over subsequent millennia to alter the entire course of history. It is a truism from the theory of evolution that if you could travel back far enough to eliminate an organism's distant ancestor, that organism might never evolve, although a similar one might evolve to exploit its evolutionary niche. Even though DNA seems to indicate that every single human on the face of the earth is descended from a pre-human female named Eve, it is presumably possible that if Eve had been killed as a baby, other humanoids would have ultimately peopled the earth with their offspring, and here we would be--although we would not be "we."

A Different Spin On The Beginners Guide to Comics
Yes, it's a beginners' guide to comics, but here's the twist: Whenever someone learns that I do a lot of writing about comics, more often than not, they say they'd love to read more comics, but something's stopping them. And because that "something" usually boils down to one of the following five situations, I've come up with a few suggestions for each rationale.

Outside Pittsburgh, they are proclaiming a strike, taking to Twitter and Facebook to spread the word. In a village near Milwaukee, hundreds staged a boycott. In a small farming and ranching community in western Kansas, they have produced a parody video. And in Parsippany, N.J., the protest is six days old and counting.
They are high school students, and their complaint is about lunch — healthier, smaller and more expensive than ever.

Today's Photo:

Vaguely sick

Happy Hour!

Each school day, millions of students move in unison from classroom to classroom where they listen to 50- to 90-minute lectures. Despite there being anywhere from 20 to 300 humans in the room, there is little actual interaction. This model of education is so commonplace that we have accepted it as a given. For centuries, it has been the most economical way to “educate” a large number of students. Today, however, we know about the limitations of the class lecture, so why does it remain the most common format?

Football Names - Key and Peele

Angry Nerds
Just to be clear, I'm sure there are plenty of nice, normal, devoted guys who have blown both literal and figurative loads on Kids in the Hall collector's items, just as there are probably some porn stars with dads who took them to the zoo every Saturday. But they're much rarer than you think. As it turns out, the dark childhood shit that makes nerds nerds—the years of rejection and humiliation, cross- pollinated with a quietly simmering superiority complex—makes them, go figure, total disasters to date as adults. Because nerds tend to nurse their high school wounds with the dedication of war widows. Sure, sometimes that makes them more sensitive. But just as often, it makes them more vengeful. Lots of sweet teenage nerds grow up to be huge adult nerd-holes.

Run - Don't Walk - Your Next 5K
It will be hard to run this month.
I kind of miss it.
I feel like I'm stuck in a confined space, like the window seat of an airplane.

GQ - The Best Beers To Try Right Now
Cleverly subtitled, "I'd Tap That"

Steve Jobs' Vision of the World

Today's Photos:

These are not all mine.
I swear.