Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Hour!

Each school day, millions of students move in unison from classroom to classroom where they listen to 50- to 90-minute lectures. Despite there being anywhere from 20 to 300 humans in the room, there is little actual interaction. This model of education is so commonplace that we have accepted it as a given. For centuries, it has been the most economical way to “educate” a large number of students. Today, however, we know about the limitations of the class lecture, so why does it remain the most common format?

Football Names - Key and Peele

Angry Nerds
Just to be clear, I'm sure there are plenty of nice, normal, devoted guys who have blown both literal and figurative loads on Kids in the Hall collector's items, just as there are probably some porn stars with dads who took them to the zoo every Saturday. But they're much rarer than you think. As it turns out, the dark childhood shit that makes nerds nerds—the years of rejection and humiliation, cross- pollinated with a quietly simmering superiority complex—makes them, go figure, total disasters to date as adults. Because nerds tend to nurse their high school wounds with the dedication of war widows. Sure, sometimes that makes them more sensitive. But just as often, it makes them more vengeful. Lots of sweet teenage nerds grow up to be huge adult nerd-holes.

Run - Don't Walk - Your Next 5K
It will be hard to run this month.
I kind of miss it.
I feel like I'm stuck in a confined space, like the window seat of an airplane.

GQ - The Best Beers To Try Right Now
Cleverly subtitled, "I'd Tap That"

Steve Jobs' Vision of the World

Today's Photos:

These are not all mine.
I swear.

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