Thursday, November 1, 2012


October 22, 2012
 A place to check out all those shows you keep meaning to catch up on.  This site takes 8 years of shows (like the Sopranos) and picks the 10 essential episodes that give you a feel for the series.  It's like reading the Cliff Notes for a TV show.

The Mysticism and Science of Metroid
Part of this comes back to an oft-recited line from the British science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, specifically his Third Law
, which states: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Traditionally, this suggests that what is perceived as magic can actually be a feat of science, though said science may be so advanced that to those of lesser scientific knowledge would perceive it as being magic.
But could it not work the other way as well? In a civilization, and a galaxy-spanning one at that, so filled with advanced technology of all sorts capable of miraculous feats, is it not possible that what some may simply see as being highly-sophisticated technological achievement could actually be mystical in nature?
We're creating a whole world of online experiences.  And we constantly are negotiating how to make these digital experiences work for us.
Today's Photo:
While I'm living with my parents and my car is in the shop, I have to get a ride in the morning and get picked up after school.  These are the exact same benches where that used to happen 15 years ago.  I'm confident that teenage me would like adult me. 
So that feels pretty good.

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