Saturday, December 15, 2012

Black Bottle Bellevue

December 14, 2012

Still meaning to read "Gone Girl"?
Me too.

This guy was already a millionaire, then won the lottery jackpot, then went nuts.  Strip clubs, drugs and getting his granddaughter addicted to crack followed.  Crazy stuff.

“Life really begins when you have discovered that you can do anything you want.”
“There is an ugliness in being paid for work one does not like,” Anaïs Nin wrote in her diary in 1941. Indeed, finding a sense of purpose and doing what makes the heart sing is one of the greatest human aspirations — and yet too many people remain caught in the hamster wheel of unfulfilling work. In 1949, career counselor William J. Reilly penned How To Avoid Work (UKpublic library) — a short guide to finding your purpose and doing what you love. Despite the occasional vintage self-helpism of the tone, the book is remarkable for many reasons — written at the dawn of the American corporate era and the golden age of the housewife, it not only encouraged people of all ages to pursue their passions over conventional, safe occupations, but it also spoke to both men and women with equal regard.

Kevin Love deserves to be an all-star.  Steve Nash might get in based on reputation (he's been hurt most of this year).  None of these other guys should even sniff the all-star roster.

Triangle rap 2 pi
Seattle science festival

Today's Photo:

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