Monday, April 15, 2013

Ultimate Frisbee League Starts

April 2, 2013

River Giant

Grantland on The Band Perry and Country Crossovers
Near the end of "I'm a Keeper," a song from the Band Perry's new Pioneer, the country trio's brassy, husky-voiced front woman, Kimberly Perry, steps away from a maelstrom of squealing guitars and martial drum blasts to break the fourth wall and directly address the listener, the way girl-next-door types do. "I'm doin' my own thing!" Perry says, with (one imagines) her head held at a sassy tilt and a hand placed on her hip in a no-nonsense fashion. This moment — equal doses disarmingly plainspoken and carefully calculated — helps to explain why the Band Perry is one of the most popular groups in America. The Perry siblings (brothers Neil and Reid round out the family act) have come too far since the release of their platinum-selling 2010 debut to leave anything to chance. "Literally after every single show, we watch the video of that show like a game tape to see what we can do better," Neil recently told Billboard, adding that each track on Pioneer was (literally) rewritten four times before being committed to tape. Rarely is the act of "doin' my own thing" plotted out so meticulously.

Prison Architect - Kotaku

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