Monday, June 17, 2013

Bill Could Teach Me To Be A Grillmaster

June 14, 2013
Get into it!

The Dustbowl Revival - Riverboat Queen

Hand Me Down - Visqueen

I Run New York - Lonely Island
Because running a town would probably suck.

Bill the Butcher Finally Opens - Wallyhood
more on Bill the Butcher's site

Today's Photo:

Why shouldn't I become some crazy grill master this summer?
I could get a tiny grill for the back patio.
Cook up some great cuts of meat.
Really do a job on it.
These people love to teach. I should just throw myself at their mercy and ask them what to eat.
"What's good today, Billy?"
Get on a first name basis with my local butcher.
Norman Rockwell would be proud. 

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