Sing Off
Street Corner Renaissance
What Makes You Beautiful
Beyond the Darkest Timeline
We’re living in a golden age for golden ages: television, technology,journalism, television technology, television journalism, journalism technology, and on and on—we’ve all seen the TED talks. Paeans to our best-of-all-possible-worlds tend to not mention that the first golden age was presided over by a god who devoured his own children. But every utopia has its discontents, and every utopia deserves them. If you’re one of the discontents—if you get the nagging feeling that maybe buying a tablet computer isn’t a revolutionary act, that Twitter might not end political oppression, that humanity remains as stubbornly imperfectible as ever—British science-fiction series Black Mirror may be the show you’ve been waiting for.
Andre Iguodala, one of the most versatile players in the NBA, could be the key to a championship for Golden State, but it took him years to find the right teammates — and some respect.
Are you ready to enter the 36 Chambers of teaching? Educator Jose Vilson breaks down why the Wu-Tang clan holds keys to greatness in the classroom. "If we can reach our students on their level," says Vilson "we have the opportunity to make our pedagogy relevant to some of our harder-to-reach students of all backgrounds." Vilson notes that "group member ODB would say, 'Wu-Tang is for the children.' But really, says Vilson, "Wu-Tang is also for the adults."
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