Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014

The first 72 hours of the NBA playoffs have been wild compared with last season’s early chalk-fest. We’ve had nine competitive games out of 10, crazy finishes, a GM giving an ECW-style promo, massive scoring totals, and lots of other fun stuff.

Here’s an early look at the winners and losers from three days of bleary-eyed hoop-watching.

Do you use the Internet? Then you have to read Astra Taylor’s The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age, one of the most important books of the year. In it, Taylor (a writer, activist, and documentarian whose films include Zizek! and Examined Life) argues that the promised utopia of online culture is built upon a lie; in reality, the amorphous mass that we call the Internet is actually a place of great inequality, where the people’s interests are in hock to corporations and billionaires who just go by different names these days, whether it’s Google, Apple, or other Silicon Valley monoliths. Taylor is a clear-eyed writer and a provocative thinker, covering the shifting grounds of how the Internet changes and affects today’s culture, from journalism to music. It makes you very wary about having a Facebook page. I had the chance to talk to her about what we can do to create a sustainable Internet culture, and whether institutions like the library can survive.

25 Essential Graphic Novels from Flavorwire 
Some great books are on this list, though it doesn't mention extended series or any superheroes. I would add "Y: The Last Man", "Fables", "All-Star Superman", and "Batman: The Long Halloween".

Because there isn't enough to watch.
Short Term 12 was buried when I searched for it.
By the time I finally found it, I had added 37 other movies to my queue. 
What a great problem to have.

Smash Up Storage Solution

Most games give you a box that plans to hold the expansions.
I have two different expansions for Smash Up.
The left two columns come with the base game. 
The third column is Awesome Level 9000
The fourth column is the Science Fiction Double Feature
Both are great and add replay value to a game that's already really fun.
But they overcrowd the box.

See the cards on the left?
How they don't quite sit down int he box correctly?
It's probably because I decided to put them in sleeves, but now they don't sit low enough in the box.
So when the lid goes on, the cards get smushed.
The solution was to cut out the bottom of the plastic tray.

That way, the cards fit snuggly in the box, and there's room for all the expansions.
Great Success!
(I know my solution to this storage problem was literally: "BREAK THINGS!", but it worked.)

And I got outside today.

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