Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

It's Staff Appreciation Week.

This is the first year where that hasn't done anything for me.
I don't feel more appreciated.
I don't feel like the long hours and low pay are helped by a poster.

I get this way about once a year.
And normally, to pull myself out of it, I make a list.
The list has two columns:

Kids who drive me crazy because they are immature, annoying, or apathetic.

And kids who are a joy to work with because they work hard, are friendly, and exhibit growth throughout the year.

This helps me because, usually, my list of "Good" kids is much longer than my list of "Challenging" kids.

This year's total:
"Good"  - 59
"Challenging" - 37

It's never been that close before. 

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