Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where'd the Beast Go?

Day 103 - January 16, 2011

This was a total "Dead Man Walking" Game.  We never really stood a chance (especially after our TWO F%$#&ing CONCUSSIONS!!!).  Our game was such a disappointment that I needed to take an "Angry Nap" during the Patriots - Jets game.  And those two activities took up my whole day.

That's the thing I won't miss about football season being over.  I'll get my weekends back.  Don't get me wrong.  It's fun to get together with the guys and watch all the games and have a good time.  But I'm a man of diverse interests.  Sometimes I'd like to be doing something else with my weekends.  However, I'm totally watching football next Sunday because it's Conference Championship Weekend.  How could I not watch THIS weekend?

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