Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Exact Words Were, "Ask Your Parents First".

Day 93 - January 6, 2011

It's important to note that I DID NOT recommend this book to a child.  I stated several times that this is more of an adult book, and that the child should talk to his parents before making any decision, ever.  But that child walked up to me today and said that he had finished the first book already.  That means he already read about several situations in graphic detail.  I feel weird having those conversations with adults.  Hopefully this child won't grow up to be a criminal.  I did ask him how he managed to get a copy of the book.  Did he ask his parents?  He said, "As long as I keep my grades up, they don't care what I read.   The only time I've ever been in trouble was when I downloaded too many books to my Kindle."

Again, I DID NOT recommend these books to a child.

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