Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Make No Mistake. Moving Is Living."

Day 133 - February 16, 2011

"The Slower We Move, The Faster We Die."

I can't walk into an airport without thinking of "Up in the Air".  I used to fly all the time in college.  There's something relaxing about the solitude in a public place.  You can be alone, but surrounded by people going through the same experience.  Commiserate with a stranger about how slow the security line is moving.  Share the wonder of the view under your wing.   And you go through the airport with such a sense of purpose.  There is a definite goal and it is always achieved.  You always eventually get where you want to go.  I never have a big time crunch in an airport, so it's a very tranquil experience for me to watch people rushing around while I have an hour to sit and relax or catch up on my reading.

And, upon landing, In-N-Out Burger.


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