Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Free Educator Weekend at Seattle Center

Day 123 - February 5, 2011

Harry Potter Exhibit - I pulled a Mandrake and scored in Quidditch with a Quaffle.  The most impressive part of the exhibit was the Sorting Hat.  I almost shoved a little five-year old flat on her butt so I could volunteer.  That probably would have put me in Slytherin.

IMAX Hubble 3D - Amazing.  This made me feel like a little kid again.  I totally want to be an astronaut when I grow up.  Do they need someone who's 5'5" and can't smell?

Battlestar Galactica - It's pretty tough to talk about this without geeking out.  They had two Colonial Raptors, The Arrow of Apollow, The Book of Pythia, and a Cylon Raider!!

Huh?  When you read that last sentence, all you saw was "Geek, Dweeb, Nerd, Spazz"?  Just know that eveyone who has watched this show, frakking loves it.

Oh, Frak is the curse word of the future.  It's like our F-word.  Only better.

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