Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 166 - Chris Rix Did Not Prepare Me For This

March 20, 2011

Chris Rix was the QB of the Seminoles while I attended FSU.  He was a nice guy, but he always seemed to do something to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  I thank him because he helped put sports in perspective.  I need to remember I have no control over anything happening.  I approach Florida State Athletics with a Zen like calm.

Then they do something like this.  

I honestly don't know how to react.  This is crazy and amazing.  It's cramazing.
We beat the poop out of Notre Dame.  We looked AWESOME!!  We could totally win the whole tournament this year.   Just writing about it made my blood pressure jump.  I have to keep this under control.  I need to remind myself to keep things in persepective.  "Chris Rix.  Chris Rix.  Chris Rix..."  That's better.

Sad but true:  I've never cheered for a team that won it all.  

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