Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge

Day 147 - March 2, 2011

We played a team with one really intense player who ripped off his uniform in the middle of the game and became "Black Tanktop* Guy".  What I learned from him:

- You should have various hobbies and activities in your life.  BTG only has Dodgeball.  That must be why he's so intense about it.

- There's no gracious way to taunt the other team.  You look especially dumb if you "Wooo" like Ric Flair constantly. So you probably should just avoid that.

- If you taunt the other team and argue about the rules, you'd better not lose.

- Calling a whole team timeout in the middle of the game to pump up your team Ray Lewis style would be awesome if you weren't such a dick about it.

- If you're BTG and you taunt the other team, argue about the rules and lose the game, then during the high fives, avoid eye contact with us.

We beat you fair and square and we did it without being jerkfaces.

Your humiliation is now complete.

OTL 5-0

"It's not that hard to make good choices."

* He was actually called "Black Wifebeater Guy" but I don't like saying that.

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