Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 327 - The Cahoon Classic

August 30, 2011

I think I get golf.  It's an excuse to take a walk in the park with your friends.  The balls and the scores don't matter.  I do find my heart experiencing a weird internal tension between two extremes.  I'm either feeling serenety and peace stemming from our natural surroundings, or frustration and rage from that stupid white ball having a mind of it's own.  

 Golf is awesome because they bring the drinks to you.
Best Cart Girl EVER!

There is a much better photo of our team in a powerpoint that I can't access from home. I hope I remember to put that picture here:

What's even better than golf?  Raising hundreds of dollars for Esme's college fund.  We are sending that kid to college whether she likes it or not.

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