Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 343 - Call 911 And Get The AED!!

September 15, 2011

CPR Class is no joke.  You must be there on time.  You must pretend to save someone's life (I saved a hand from an exploding burner and I was saved from a netbook rewiring gone awry), and you must laugh at all the teacher's jokes.  Which is easy, because she's hilarious.  I never want to take a first aid class from anyone else.

Jen received the award for: 
"Most Convincing AED Deployment"

In celebration, we went to Frankie's in Redmond.  I've lived here all my life and I've never been to Frankie's.  How have I been missing out on this for so long.  The pizza is amazing!
And I finally finished my Pizzaiolo badge!
Double Win!

It was Garlicfest too.


Weekend at Bernies in Real Life
I guess this is what happens if you DON’T take the CPR class.

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