Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day #$%^&@* - 365 Redifined

October 10, 2011
Other Project365 blogs consist of a lone photo and an occasional caption.  
I've been doing it wrong the whole time.
Writing each entry takes the most time.  The pictures are fast and the web-surfing I was going to do anyway.  So, maybe I'll try and tweet about each photo (140 character limit).  But I probably won't count the characters either.
Whitney's wicked wheels watch worlds whip by whilst Weepies warble.

Note to self:  Less alliteration tomorrow.

Weepies Videos
The Weepies were described to me as a mellow version of Arcade Fire.  This may or may not be true.
(must be played on youtube due to legal reasons... I guess)
Cute Dancing Couples!

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