October 3, 2011
Much like fake Christmas trees, fake fires are not as good as the original. I've been told the problem with fake is the smell. That's not an issue for me.
So, a fake fire should be the same as a real fire.
But it just isn't the same.
A fake fire feels too caged, too sterile, too safe.
On the bright side, the fire does light with one quick twist. And because it's so easy, you can have a fire anytime.
Warmth and light, no mess, easy as snapping your fingers.
It's not real, but it's pretty good.
Story about a life spent taking growth hormones just to reach an “average” height.
At a young age, the doctor offered this style of treatment option to me. My parents declined on my behalf. I've always wondered what kind of choice I might have made. A different height might have affected my life in ways I can't even imagine. Those possible changes are completely beyond my comprehension. I have no idea if I would be happier, sadder, more confident, or gangly and awkward.
I cannot get my mind around it.
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