Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014

The best thing about board games, hands down, is the people. I don't just mean the sorts of people who play board games, I mean that more broadly: Playing a tabletop or board game means spending time with your friends, your family, your loved ones. Board games are about people.

Video Games can be fun to play with friends too.

Netrunner is one of the newer collectible card games. This is a great piece about the challenge and the community that game can build.

The Seattle Sounders Make A Dream Come True

The Inaugural "Beat the Blerch" race sold out in minutes. But you can get a virtual race kit here. And read some comics here.

NYT Magazine ran a great profile of Maria Bamford. Her "Special Special Special" is on Netflix. She performs a full stand up set for just her parents.

The TV Tropes website can suck hours out of my day. I love episodes with "Groundhog Day" style time loops.

The writer of Scott Pilgrim has a new book about the restaurant industry and time travelling mushrooms... or something...


Stanley: The world is being FedEx to hell in a handbasket. I think anyone even thinking bringing a child into this world is considering an act of cruelty... I'm sorry, I'm rambling. What's your news?

Carla: I'm pregnant. You didn't mean what you just said, right? About bringing a child into this world as an act of cruelty?

Stanley: I meant it at the time.

Carla: You said it seven-and-a-half seconds ago.

Stanley: Well... Gosh... Kind of a lot has happened since then....


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