Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 294 - Yes, There Are Vampires. But It's NOTHING Like Twilight. This Book Is Actually Good.

July 28, 2011

Wowsers.  This book is ill.  

Let me take this time to mention that the Kindle is fantastic.  This book is almost 800 pages long and I'm sure my arms would be sore if I had to hold that much paper long enough to read this whole thing.  Also, holding the entire book always reminds me how much more I have to go.  With a book of this length, I'm sure I would have given up by now.  I'm currently 45% finished with this book.  I have no clue what page I'm on.  That's a feature of the Kindle they don't mention.  You lose all sense of page numbers.  It's like telling someone "We're not using hours anymore.  You're 63% through the day."  It's not awful, but it's disorienting.  And new books are usually significantly cheaper.  So, that's a bonus.

What's the book about?  Umm... If I say Vampires, you're going to get the wrong idea in your head.  More like feral, bloodthirsty mutants.  They're called "Virals".  And they're super terrifying.  The characters take a while to develop but I found myself really getting into them and totally digging this book around 30%.  

Then we jumped forward 100 years and everyone I cared about was gone.  

Stomach punch.

And I found out this is part of a trilogy that isn't completed.  I hate this.  I don't want to start this and hope that the author finishes the series.  I want assurance that this will be a good ride before I get on.  Would you hop on a roller coaster if someone said "We haven't finished the track yet, but we're reasonably sure that you'll make it to the end in one piece."?

  Hell to the no.  

You would never get on that ride until you are sure it's worth it.  And at 45%, I'm locked in.  I have to finish it.

Justin Cronin.  Don't screw this up.

I'm not quite at this point, but I feel it coming.

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