Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 301 - The Galaxy Is In My Hands. This Is A Big Deal.

August 4, 2011
Mass Effect 2
This game is probably the best story I've read/seen all summer.  Well, Harry Potter was probably better but I had to think about it for a second.  

Mass Effect involves shooting things, and flying spaceships but there are also complex moral and ethical dilemmas.  
For example:

Genophage - A warrior race (Krogan) is involved in a war with another species.  The losing species creates a genetic mutation that causes a 99.9% reduction in viable embryos, rendering the Krogan practically extinct.  We explore how the proud, violent, warrior culture handles this sudden and crushing defeat, as well as the ethical and moral dilemmas involved in creating the Genophage.  

We've come a long way since Space Invaders.  

You also spend a fair amount of the game searching for minerals and shooting things.  It's not necessary to pay attention to any dialogue, so my ears were free to learn.
Here are the things I learned from podcasts:

On Being: Words That Shimmer
Dedicated to meaning, religion, ethics, and ideas on Public Radio
An argument for poetry in our lives. 
Kitchenette Building

The Indoor Kids
A podcast on videogames with Kumail Nanjiani
Todd Levin writes about how video games have become signposts in his life.
Consoles I Have Known

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