Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 295 - Nerdsauce

July 29, 2011
If you've never been here, drop everything and go there NOW.
Best Cuban Sandwiches.
And bring a book because there will probably be a wait. 
A long wait. 
I waited 20 minutes and there was nobody here.
I know it looks delicious.  
It tastes BETTER than it looks.
For some unknown reason, I feel like it's important to support local comic book shops.  And record stores.  
Local video stores?  
Screw 'em.  We have the internet.  
Take that Hollyweird!
But seriously, support your local comic book shop.  If it's good enough for the Big Bang Theory, it's good enough for you.
Groupon isn't considered nerdy, but it did save me some dough.  Three series I'm starting when I finish that vampire book:

Ex Machina - Brian K. Vaughn (same guy that did "Y: The Last Man"... You haven't read that series?!?!  I will personally deliver the entire series to your door.  Seriously, just call me)
writes this book about the superhero mayor of New York.  

Runaways - Many teenagers hate their parents.  Few teenagers hate their parents because they are super villains and are forced to become superheroes to thwart them.

Preacher - Angels.  Devils.  Search for God.  And an apparition of John Wayne.  Nobody said comics made sense all the time.

The epitomy of nerdcore.  A British show about a guy who can travel anywhere, anytime.  The whole series is on Netflix streaming.  I started with the modern incarnation with Christopher Eccelston and Billie Piper (2005).  The first episode involves a being that allows plastic mannequins to come to life.  

I swear it gets better as it goes along.  It's kind of like Quantum Leap.  The conceit is so broad it gives the writers license to tell any story they want.  And that makes for good TV.  Any episode penned by Stephen Moffat is supposed to be amazing.

from Stereogum
Reckoner is DOPE!!


  1. 1) Almost went to Paseo with friends last week - guess I should have.

    2) Is that comic store in Wallingford?

    3) Is this like a new show I just heard about where some young guy travels back in time (or channels) to Sherlock Holmes?

  2. Barb -
    1) You totally should go, just plan for your order to take 30 minutes. Not exaggerating.

    2) Comics Dungeon is in Wallingford on 45th a block east of Dick's on the other side of the street.

    3) The same guy that writes Doctor Who (Stephen Moffat) wrote the 2010 Sherlock mini-series. That Sherlock series is on Netflix streaming. I only saw the first 15 minutes, but he has a deductive train of thought where he spends five minutes showing why he's awesome.
