Monday, July 30, 2012

Capitol Hill Block Party 2012 - Day 3 (Whew!)

July 22, 2012

Portland driving dream pop

The "Ho Hey" song is heartbreaking, right?
Isn't she with somebody else now, and he's trying to be alone, even though he belongs with her?

I only saw them because their biography included bits like "...they're not nearly as good at Excitebike as they said they were..." and "...first to adopt a bold new marketing strategy of giving away a free pair of Nike cross-trainers to anyone who steals it on the internet.  Take that, Radiohead."
Neko Case
It's tough to perform in the middle of a coconut cupcake high, but she's a trooper.  She also lost it in the middle of three songs because of a guy in an eagle costume. To her credit, when she sang, she sounded great.

The Dark Knight Rises
Everything you've heard about it is probably true.
I loved it. And any problems with it, I explained away with a simple "yeah, but that was cool anyway".  

A great episode of DS9.
Yes, I'm watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Today's photos:
Hey! That's me on the twitter wall!

I had a spot on the curb for Neko.

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