Saturday, July 7, 2012

Firecracker 5000

July 3, 2012

Aaron Sorkin on How To Write An Aaron Sorkin Script
 in GQ
The master breaks down Will McAvoy's opening speech about America not being the greatest nation.

Web Shooters
Did you know they can change the show times of movies the morning of the show?  I attempted to see Ted, but ended up seeing Spiderman.  The whole movie, I just wanted him to shoot webbing.  It's the coolest part of Spiderman.  The main reason I don't already have these webshooters is that I don't want to keep buying refill webbing canisters.  But this one comes with a REFILLABLE water canister.  So really, there's no reason not to buy it.

Attack of the Show - Adrenaline Junkies

Mountain Unicycling
Underwater hockey
Wife Carrying

Matrix Trilogy
When you take six hours of movie and compress it to six minutes, it looks pretty good. 
These movies are much better than I remember, and after just a few days of internet research, I think they almost, kind of, make sense.

Today's Photos:
Seattle's Only 4th of July Midnight Run.

The best part about any run is the swag you get at the end.
More Tents = More Swag

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