Monday, July 2, 2012

Journey Companion

June 27, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph

Playing this felt like the Venus de Milo grew arms and wanted to cuddle with me.
Today's Photo:
In Journey, there are other characters that pop in and out of your world.  The other characters look like you and have only the most basic form of communication.  They can "ping" you with a cello sound.  This is the characters form of talking.
I played half the game with the same companion, going through thick and thin.  It was an experience, and I felt kind of connected to this companion.  So after we finished the game, I sent them a quick note.
Here's what I got back:

His/Her english is light years ahead of my Japanese.
The game facilitated this kind of bond with someone who barely speaks my language.
That's pretty cool.

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