Monday, January 7, 2013

Resolution Run and Polar Bear Dive

January 1, 2013
Top 25 Brainpicking Articles of 2012
I love this site, which focuses on creativity, desgin, writing, and happiness.

Resolution Run
At all of these runs, they try to play pump up music for the crowd before the race starts.  This was their choice.
Still, this was a good run, with tons of swag, literature and chili.

Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
This album came up on shuffle today.
Doo Wop
Everything Is Everything
To Zion

Comics Dungeon
Axe Cop
Mega Man

Tokyo Jungle


Today's Photo:

I signed up for the dry run, because this didn't actually seem fun.
But the weather was fantastic and the people jumping in seemed happy.
Except then they were wet and cold for no good reason.

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