Thursday, January 31, 2013


January 27, 2013
SNL Yolo
Reset - Peter Bagge
If you could relive major events in your life, would you take a stab at making things better—and would your best attempts only make things worse? Or would you use your second chance to put your most twisted, perverted fantasies in motion? These are questions washed-up actor and comedian Guy Krause asks himself after he signs up to be the main research subject for a virtual-reality experiment.

My Day With The New Sim City

The Race Grows Sweeter Near Its Final Lap
 Today's Photos:
Onn/Of Festival
When I see an art show is happening, I tend to check it out (especially if the show is free). 
This means I see some pretty weird stuff.
Usually I can appreciate the idea of the piece, or the technical skill that went in to making something.
I would be the idiot who looks at a half finished can of coke and think about this abandoned piece of corporate America's consumer culture really condemns us all.
But really, someone just forgot their soda.

So the Onn/Of Festival was great for me because it proved I still have a threshold.
Not everything is great art.
There are some things in this world that are stupid.
The above piece was pretty cool. You could walk through that tube of mirrors. But the piece was called something like "Nativity 3.0" so maybe it was supposed to be a birth canal... of yourself?
This guy (or girl, whatever, not sexist) went crazy with black lights inside of a U-haul van.  I've seen enough episodes of NCIS to know what kinds of things glow under a black light.

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