Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stars, In Your Multitudes, Scarce To Be Counted

January 21, 2013

Les Miserables
Produced constant chills. 
The story of Wolverine running from Maximus to save Catwoman's child from Borat.
Russell Crowe is the one part that seems slightly out of place.  He could clearly sing, but his voice wasn't quite right for this role.
Also, the guy who played Valjean in the play shows up as the bishop.  So that's fun.
By the way, the title of the post is from "Stars", my favorite song from the show. I like it because it humanizes Javert, who's been a total A-hole, and shows why he's so obsessed with Valjean.
Also, its just a great song.

Think about anything that's cool.
There's a good chance these guys are involved.
So that's fun.

Today's Photo:
Dishonored Game
It's a cross between Bioshock and Skyrim.
If you have any clue what that meant, you'd probably love this game.

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