Thursday, May 30, 2013

Books and Bookmarks

May 29, 2013

Duolingo Language App on Lifehacker
Free language learning on your iPhone!

Wallingford Art Walk
First Wednesday of the month from May to September

Grantland NBA Playoffs Shoot Around 
Whistle While You Work

Game 7 Through The Eyes of a Kings Fan
I wish I could have this experience with a team I care about.

Not 100% sure what that link will bring you to, but Goodreads is awesome!
It's a great place to keep track of books you've read as well as books you want to read later. It's like Netflix for books but you can't read any books on it.

This is my bookshelf.
I'm trying to look smart, but there are so many comic books.
They're quick reads, so they fill up the shelf.
But there's a Pulitzer Prize winner on there, an Oprah Book Club selection and Harry Potter.
So yeah, I read real books.

And we had our volunteer tea. 
Where I earned a "runners up" ribbon.
(Along with almost everyone else in the school.)

Wait... I've just been informed that this is a bookmark.

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