Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Just Under The Wire

May 28, 2013
The American novelist Susan Ertz says, “Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.” I think there’s a lot of truth in that: Actually, it’s the fear of death rather than the love of life, often, that’s motivating us. If people complain that they don’t have enough time, why do they watch so much TV? It doesn’t seem, actually, when we look at the way people behave, that lack of time is their problem. On the contrary … when you look at how much time we waste, [it seems] that life is already too long — so long that we become complacent and we waste great swathes, so many hours. And, in fact, being conscious of the fact that our time is limited is what makes us really value and appreciate the time that we have.
The highlight of this set from Spielberg is Schindler's List, with all proceeds going to charity.  (June 26 - 7:00pm)

Fast and Furious 6
"We need a Plan B."
"Plan B!?! We need a Plan C, D, E... we need a whole new alphabet!"
This franchise has a quite a complicated mythology for movies that are about going fast and blowing things up.  Movies 4 and 5 are essential viewing to understand some of the interpersonal dynamics in play here. Tokyo Drift would help, but isn't required.
And definitely stick around after the credits.
Fast and Furious 7 comes out next year!!
Today's Photo:
Just barely got our tennis match in while it stayed dry.

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