Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Staff Appreciation Poster 2013

May 8, 2013
As soon as I wake up, I want to go back to bed.
To prevent this, I immediately put my iPhone on shuffle.
Some songs are pretty good.
(Despite the reputation of the band)
Some of the songs are undeniable jams.
(Was this song popular?)
And some of the songs irrationally come up every single morning.
(Why do you think I love this song, iPhone?)
(I don't even know how it got on my phone!!)

This Is Water - David Foster Wallace
Today's Photo:

Yes, I wrap my iced coffee with a napkin.
It prevents the cup from sweating.
It's very sweet they made a poster for me.
But I really wish kids had dug a little deeper for this one.
Without a ton of effort kids could have made a poster about: The Avengers, Batman, Mario Bros, Basketball, Billy Joel, The Sounders, or Calvin and Hobbes.
But the thing they chose for me was iced coffee.

Kids are simultaneously the worst and the best.

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