Tuesday, November 27, 2012


November 14, 2012
A Capella James Bond
Kind of seem like smarmy jerkfaces.
I base that on nothing.
Today's Photo:
My Dad found this at a garage sale.
It's a playbook with real basketball material.
Makes me feel like I can coach.

11 Player Break

November 13, 2012
I have this badge.
I want.
Today's Photo:

Pyramid of Success

November 12, 2012
Met a friend for lunch.
Good Happy Hour too.
30 Rock - Who Nose
I don't have TV yet.
So I've been watching alot of 30 Rock on Netflix.
I would totally watch "Who Nose?"

Final Fantasy 7
Like I said, my entertainment options are limited right now.
After a few months without being able to relax, I deserve to sit in a chair and do nothing.
Today's Photo:
Coaching requires lots of reading.
Industriousness and Enthusiasm are cornerstones of the Pyramid of Success.


November 11, 2012
SNL One Day More Opening

Homeland Episode One
I know I'm late to this party.

The Prisoner's Dilemma
I never quite explain this one right.
Today's Photo:
Bimbos Cantina
I know the night started here...


November 10, 2012
Ralph is gonna WRECK-IT!
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2


Today's Photo:
At the Marble release lecture

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blue Star: Wallingford's Cheers

November 7, 2012

Today's Photo:

Outside my neighborhood bar.

New Team, New Champions

November 6, 2012

JFK Reminds You To Vote 1962 PSA

Blondfire - Where The Kids Are
Remix by Geographer


November 5, 2012

On Canceling the NY Marathon During a Superstorm
Today's Photo:

There is a lack of awareness at our school.
The kids are younger and have difficulty thinking about how their actions affect other people.
My soccer kids can't figure out that someone else has to clean this mess.
By necessity, my voice will get loud tomorrow.
Let's hope I make someone cry.

Double Feature

November 4, 2012
I went for a walk in my new neighborhood.
Which seemed like enough physical activity for the day.
That earns a double feature:

Wreck It Ralph
The Sessions 

Today's Photos:

Short Run at Vera Project

November 3, 2012

Short Run Comic Fest
where I found:

Today's Photos:

Sounders v. RSL - Nothing Happened

November 2, 2012

Today's Photo:

Sounders played on a field with Seahawks logos.

Soccer Coaches

November 1, 2012

A Review of Spec Ops: The Line onSlate

Today's Photos:
Our IM soccer league turned out to be super fun.
It's mostly due to our High School coaches/managers.
They are the best.

Halloween 2012

October 31, 2012

Miami Betting on Youth Football
Nice parenting, Florida.
(Be fine with 49)

Tom Haverford Raccoon Hat
(Sorry for the poor quality)

The Psychology of Tetris

The Candy Hierarchy

100 Things to Know About the NBA Season
From GQ

Today's Photos:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Matt And Kim At The Neptune

October 30, 2012

We collect FOUND stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids' homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, receipts, doodles-- anything that gives a glimpse into someone else's life. Anything goes ...

Games make us better and can fundamentally change who we are.  And you thought I was just playing Mario Bros. this whole time.
New kickstarter that helps you learn everything.

The above Tumblr is a hoot.  Haven't seen the show yet.  But Emily Gordon is pretty great.
Today's Photo:Matt and Kim

IM Soccer: It's Alive

October 29, 2012

Free computer coding lessons.  It's in preparation for some kind of project, but I hope they leave the site up for a while.  I could get into this over winter break.

Because I missed the NFL entirely last weekend.

One of my favorite ways to escape this trap is to take a narrative that society has framed as deviant or unacceptable or sad and flip it on its head to occupy it with my own meaning. This can take many forms. GOOD executive editor Ann Friedman, who has no interest in getting married, has proposed reframing the term “spinster”: “I want to reclaim it, like ‘bitch,’ until it carries the same connotation as ‘bachelor’: free, fun, independent, loving life.” For long-term singles like us, constructing jokes around the #foreveralone hashtag helps recode activities society sees as lonely and pathetic to ones we see as lonely and awesome. I often listen to a sad song that has a lyric that goes like this: “I know you feel how I do, too, and even though I’m close to you, I can’t be what you need, ‘cause you’re just as lost as me." He sings it like it’s a sad thing, but I think it’s really romantic—one of my life goals is to be close to other people, but not to get tied down to them, and that song helps me remember that.
The upside of the relationship flip book is that it contains endless little details that do not fit into the big stories society has written around it. We can use that scrap material to build new arcs. (Modern love pro tip: Keep every Gchat on the record—a targeted search is all it takes to get some new perspective on old memories). I have a peculiar insight into this romantic narrative construction process—I edit a column called Dealbreakers in which writers dig into the reason that they broke off a previous relationship. Often, these exes don't know how to begin to spin a complex relationship into a story—one with a beginning, end, climax, theme, and emotional thread. They broke up for a lot of reasons. Life is complicated.
In those moments, I encourage them to settle on one framework for filtering that relationship—something as literal as He's A Crack Addict or as loose as She Needed Me—then shake out the flip book onto the page to see what sticks. At first, that framework might seem limiting, but it actually forces you to think deeply in a direction you haven't before. In the process, these writers take their memories, mix them up and turn them over. They go back and tear out more pages from the back of the book that they forgot even existed. Then, they rearrange them into their own personal narrative that still builds to that satisfying emotional release.

8Tracks sports over 600,000 playlists, all created by users, that are organized by genre, style, artist, and even mood. If you're feeling like something chill to help you work, you can search for "chill" or even "work," and hit play. When you hear a mix you like, hit the heart to like it, then follow the DJ to see other mixes they've curated.
There are plenty of streaming services that offer anything you want to hear when you want to hear it, but there's something special about listening to a playlist that's been curated by hand with real thought about how the songs flow together. That's what 8Tracks offers, and the new iPhone app is designed to help you find those mixes and songs faster than ever. The app is free (there's an Android version too, it just hasn't been updated recently), and there are no ads—in the app or in between the songs.
Today's Photos:
The best move we ever made was involving high school volunteers.
The whole league runs itself.
So, the adults just sit back and have fun.

It's All In One Place

October 28, 2012

Mystery Diners

I'm not "Wreck-it Ralph" excited, but I like Mike Wozowski.

Today's Photos:
My plan was to put all the technology in one box, so I could find it all later.

So the new place is cozy.  

I'm also realizing I only have one chair.
So you can't really come over yet.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Missed Opportunity

October 27, 2012

Seattle's local breweries in a yearbook.

Easy A- Facebook
I have this same thought about 40 times a day.
(He wrote on his blog...)

M83 - Steve McQueen

The Genius Romanian Carp Angling Team Beat England By Showing Up Five Months Early And Getting The Carp Addicted To Their Bait

Today's Photo:
I almost went to see this B-girl showdown.
But I didn't because it was too far and would have taken a long time and parking would have been hard.

I'm so glad to be moving out of the suburbs. They are soulless. If there's nothing for kids around here, there is certainly nothing for adults. 


October 26, 2012

Meet Me At The Moon
Emma Hill and Her Gentleman Callers

15 Last Minute GQ Halloween Costumes

The Princess Redifined 
As a twenty-something, I still love and believe in, a good fairytale; the marketing team over at Disney knows how to get me every time. Call me a softy, but children bursting into tears upon realizing they will soon be meeting Mickey Mouse is enough to have me reaching for the tissues. And the photographs and videos of miniature princesses, all dolled up in their very own gowns and glittery finest, hugging the “real” versions of themselves? My heart swells and I just about die for each and every one of them. It is difficult to uncover any shortcomings in this world where dreams and fairytale still seemingly exists in a very real way. Just when we think the wonderful world of Disney can’t get any more magical, they surprise us all over again with their new I Am A Princess campaign, which just may be the most magical thing of all.

- "Death to My Hometown," Bruce Springsteen

- "Every Chance We Get We Run," David Guetta featuring Tegan & Sara

- "Sixteen Saltines," Jack White

- "Karate," Galactic

- "Marathon Runner," Yellow Ostrich

Aziz Ansari: GQ 10 Essentials

The Master
I love movies that are born of a singular vision.
Every Paul Thomas Anderson movie, (Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood, Magnolia) has the same elements involved.  In fact, most of them are about messed up families.  The Master works just like those other movies.  Scientology is just in the background. Sorry, I meant "The Cause".

Today's Photo:
The nightmare of living with my parents is almost over.
Moving hasn't happened but the wheels are in motion.
In all honesty, they were extremely gracious and understanding of the situation.
But I'm definitely taking a long break from my family.

Monday, November 5, 2012


October 25, 2012
But in their outrage at any depiction of sex or drugs, regardless of context, groups like the PTC miss the truly worrisome difference between the network's scripted and unscripted series. Skins took young people and their problems seriously, while Jersey Shore positions its cast members as empty-headed clowns. In yet another of so-called reality TV's many ironies, MTV's alarmingly unrealistic reality programming has so fully imposed its hard-partying, fist-pumping, ambition-free vision of youth that it's turned its entire audience away from more universal teen and young-adult narratives of self-discovery. After years of watching famous-for-being-famous alcoholics fight and hook up outside the context of any significant storylines or stakes, MTV's viewers seem to have become unreceptive to multilayered characters whose struggles bear more resemblance to their own.

This youth-culture identity crisis has, of course, been a long time coming. It's just taken MTV's renewed enthusiasm for scripted series to reveal the extent to which an endless supply of exploitative reality programming has shaped its audience's tastes.

A parent/spouse/best friend has forgotten your birthday.Facebook makes this one a little complicated since it is basically a well-oiled birthday alert system, but if your parents (or spouse, or significant other, etc) have yet to sign their names away to the lovely blue book, they will most likely forget your birthday at some point. It’s not a “16 Candles” big deal. It happens, and they’re not doing it maliciously (probably). Here’s an example of how the conversation might go. Parent: “What day is your birthday?” You: “Today.” Parent: “It’s the 28th already?” You: “It’s the 26th.” Maybe they’re getting older and things occasionally slip their minds, or maybe you’ve grown up and aren’t CONSTANTLY REMINDING EVERYONE that your big day is forthcoming. Either way, someone forgot, you got over it, and you’re excited to see who drops the ball next year. Boom: adulthood.


Today's Photo:
Clockwise from Top Left:
A) Red Hook trivia awards for staff
B) Motivational cheer cards made by the JV badminton team.
C) Singles ribbons for the badminton tournament.

Sammamish Earns A Red Card

October 24, 2012
Kids always complain about Sammamish.  They say there's nothing to do here and that our town is SSOOOO boring (emphasis theirs). As a younger man, I would tell them, "Guys, you're so wrong.  There are parks, and some trails and stuff.  There's a Hollywood Video AND a Gamestop!  You kids don't know how lucky you are.  Back in my day, we didn't have any of that stuff."
I was a condescending jankhole.  The kids are completely correct.  Sammamish is a nice, quiet community that is mind-numbingly boring.  I need to get out of here as soon as I can. 
At work today, I fell down a rabbit hole of Seattle based news.  You can fall with me.
Today's Photo:
This was the best thing that happened in Sammamish today.
I learned you can forfeit a game of FIFA if you earn five red cards.
I cannot wait to get out of here.