Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 250 - Sleep Cycle

June 12, 2011
Yesterday was exhausting.  Just look how much sleep I needed to recover.

Yes, I can see my sleep!
The graph is from an app called "Sleep Cycle".  It uses the accelerometer in the iPhone to measure how much you fidget while you sleep, which supposedly corresponds with your current sleep state.  
The alarm wakes you in a half hour window, but waits until you are in a shallow sleep state for a gentler transition.
It might be total phooey, but when the graph shows better sleep, I feel better.  
I know this only proves correlation and not causality.  
I feel better.  
Celebrate it.
Why on Earth would I want to post this to Facebook?
Does anyone want to get in a sleep competition?

I had mistakenly assumed that the paintballs would dry clear.
Guess not.

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