Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 256 - My Father Does Not Read Blogs

June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day.
My dad will not read this blog.
He has not set up the voicemail for his cell phone.
He has had this phone for one year.
I'll just have to talk to him in person.

Watching Sports Night is like being in a time warp.  
(1998 was a strange time.)
- The World Trade Center is in every establishing shot. -
- MLS Teams are completely different  -
- Mark McGuire is a hero. -
- Cell phones are bricks, but not quite as bad as Saved By The Bell -
- They use a mail order catalog instead of -

Five Books I Might Want To Read This Summer


Beautifully written article about how a Bruce Springsteen song helped a son understand his father. The song is linked below. 

You can listen while you read the article.

If only someone had written this song.

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