Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 252 - Two Dollar Tuesday

June 14, 2011
Great deal, but this place got PACKED!
The key seems to be getting here early.
The Bellevue Galeria will validate 4 hours of parking, so that shouldn't be a concern.
And I did not have to join a mug club... or maybe I did.  
I'm not sure.

Two Other Headlines:
via The Atlantic
This fantastic article was written by a therapist who wondered why so many adults were coming to her claiming they were "unhappy".  There were no typical triggers for depression (kids had loving, present, upper-middle class parents and no history of trauma), but patients claimed they felt empty.  
A fascinating read.

“Happiness as a byproduct of living your life is a great thing,” Barry Schwartz, a professor of social theory at Swarthmore College, told me. “But happiness as a goal is a recipe for disaster.” It’s precisely this goal, though, that many modern parents focus on obsessively—only to see it backfire. Observing this phenomenon, my colleagues and I began to wonder: Could it be that by protecting our kids from unhappiness as children, we’re depriving them of happiness as adults?

Today, Wendy Mogel says, “every child is either learning-disabled, gifted, or both—there’s no curve left, no average.” When she first started doing psychological testing, in the 1980s, she would dread having to tell parents that their child had a learning disability. But now, she says, parents would prefer to believe that their child has a learning disability that explains any less-than-stellar performance, rather than have their child be perceived as simply average. “They believe that ‘average’ is bad for self-esteem.”

2) Legend Of Zelda: Link to the Past
Emulators are AWESOME.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think I would get fired if I handed out copies of the information above on Curriculum Night?
