Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 263 - Now It Feels Like Vacation

June 27, 2011
Clockwise from Top Left:
Maybe the best game ever.

It's Will Ferrell being funny for 90 minutes.
 "They said, "Gore's calling again," I'm like, "What's his deal?" They said, "This time he's calling to take back his concession 'cause it's too close to call and they're doing a statewide recall," and I'm like, "You can't take it back!" He's like, "Yes I can." I'm like, "No you can't." He's like, "Says who?" And I paused and I thought real hard. Then I said, "The Geneva Convention, that's who," and I hung up the phone again. turns out I was wrong. The Geneva Convention pertains more to the laws that will govern the Moon once it's colonized. But it sure felt good at the moment. "

3) Gamefaq to help me with Zelda
I used to know this kind of stuff off the top of my head.

In a stemless wine glass I found at Fred Meyer.
Or at least the preview for it.

So, I have 40 years until I'm able to enjoy golf?  I'm sure I can accept my suckiness way quicker than that.

Before you mock him, remember the good work.  
Bad Boys, The Rock, Armageddon, Transformers... 
Bad Boys 2!

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