Thursday, May 17, 2012


May 13, 2012
Video that reconstructs the roller coaster that decided the English Premier League.  Newcastle finished fifth, which grants them entry to Europa Cup.  One of the few times when you can really celebrate finishing fifth.

Foam Race (June 30) and Timber Town 10k (July 8)
I get super excited at the thought of never having to buy another t-shirt ever again.

Kia Optima - Sandman
They have been running the short version of this ad throughout the NBA playoffs.  The short version stinks.  The short version is about a guy who like supermodels, explosions, and fine Kia automobiles. This guy is an idiot, you can almost hear him chuckle to himself, "Huh huh huh. Look at all those boobies" .
This man represents the worst piece of all of us, where rational thought stops and our basest desires rule.
This man is an idiot.

The long version is a heartwarming story about a guy who loves manly things (giant sandwiches, lumberjacks, exploding mma fighters), but is also madly in love with his wife and will find ways to be with her even in his dreams.  Even in the middle of "everything he wants", he realizes he is missing the thing he wants the most, his wife.
This story shows two people who, even in their wildest dreams, want to share the adventure together. 
This version is at time ridiculous (of all the dream bands you could see, Motley Crue?) and incredibly sweet.

Thank you Matt for having an extra ticket.  This show was great.  The review linked above is relatively gushing but did not mention opening act Youth Lagoon, a band which is now playing on repeat in my car. 


Mom loves murder mysteries.  So for Mother's day we watched this Hitchcock classic.  Thank goodness she didn't want to watch "Psycho".  That's really messed up for Mother's Day.

Turn Off This Song And Go Outside
 A Summer Jam from last year is still a Summer Jam.
Today's Photo:
As Thor weilds Mjolnir, so do I weild this sledgehammer, to knock down this old fence my mommy wanted destroyed.
Hobbes helped too.

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